How to get in shape in a couple of months? Expert advice
"Love me for who I am" - self-deception!
If you are no longer loved simply for who you are, and the reflection in the mirror is far from your ideal, the main thing, says fitness trainer Lidia Zharicheva, is to tune in the right way in time.
Don't be lazy, love yourself! Get out of your head thoughts in the style of "All BBWs are cute" and "Love me for who I am." If the question sounded in your head, whether to go to the gym or not, it means that something already does not suit you in your appearance, in your body, and you need to go to work out.
Depending on the complexion and the desired result, the training program will also differ. Obese people “for a hundred” should not reach for dumbbells and barbell pancakes at all.
- Training will be high-intensity, - this means short breaks, small "weights" (loads - Approx. ed.). At the beginning of a warm-up workout, cardio machines are sure to go: this is a stepper, a treadmill in intensive walking mode (so that the pulse is kept high), and an exercise bike.
And don't forget to drink water during your workout. All exercises should be done with short breaks. Immediately after cardio, you can start squats. And do not be upset if they do not work out in full amplitude. Then take small dumbbells per kilogram. Do hand exercises. All in high-intensity mode with low weight.
In the rhythm of sports
More on How to Get in Shape, to lose weight you need 3-4 workouts in the gym per week. And one more fifth, but not exhausting. For example, it would be nice to go to the pool or play basketball.
- Immediately climb under the bar or do a leg press - it's useless.
The muscles will grow, but the fat will not go anywhere: the results of the work will not be visible and you can very quickly lose interest in training. If you weigh over 100 kilograms and want to lose weight urgently, cardio exercises should be done in the morning. Ideally, on an empty stomach. But this is optional. We share the exercises: in the morning we do cardio, in the evening - “strength”.
How to Get in Shape:
- First, the exercise technique is put: the same squats, push-ups. To have relief, you also need cardio so that subcutaneous fat leaves. And be sure to "weight" - we work with a lot of weight. We start the first week with a kilogram, then two, and incrementally. We work with a lot of weight - so that the muscles can be seen. If we want to stay thin, but lean, we work with low weight.
An optimal warm-up workout should take 80 minutes.
- Sometimes they say that training should take an hour, but everyone has their rhythm of the performance. 80 minutes is a perfect time. The diet must be followed. Be sure to drink plenty of water. There will be no result without water.
Gender-spontaneous inequality
Women who like to prove that they can do everything “faster, higher, stronger” than most men will have to put up with broad shoulders and a relatively small fifth point - this is the figure that a set of exercises for men helps to develop. If you do not want this, you should not take away the barbell with pancakes from the “strong half”.
In the article How to Get in Shape, men initially work with more weight, they are more enduring. And after all, none of the girls wants a swaying back, like men, delta-huge shoulders. Everyone wants gorgeous legs, buttocks, and a flat stomach. This is taken into account when training programs are drawn up.
For example, I know that men talk about a female figure: that it’s better to have a cool ass than breasts (ideally, both, but you won’t be able to increase your breasts impressively in the gym). Men, although they shake their legs, the buttocks are not so important to them. They all want broad shoulders, and big, beautiful hands.
For boys, the upper complex works more. They do chest presses and several other exercises for the development of pectoral muscles, pump deltas, and muscles on the back. And the girls shake their butts. And it is right.
Long term result
If you do not deviate from the intended goal and go to the gym on a schedule (as well as eat), the result will not be long in coming.
- As the practice of my work with my body and with my wards has shown, many do not notice the results even after two months. Three months later, they already see the result, which is noticeable to their relatives and everyone around. If you make a collage of “before” and “after” photos, you can see how colossally the figures differ. 2-3 months of work on yourself will bear fruit.
The result is achieved, what's next? Is it time to go to the bakery, or maybe we should not stop there?
- When you have achieved a visible result and you see in the mirror the result that suits you, you can reduce the intensity of training. But it is not recommended to make indulgences in nutrition, because it will be difficult in the future. You can do less cardio. And not 3-4 workouts a week, but 2-3. Just to keep the muscles in good shape.
Lifehack from a fitness trainer
The subscription has already been bought, but at the end of each working day you are running out of energy and there is no energy left for the hall? Lidia Zharicheva knows one simple way to help yourself get ready and start training.
- I recommend choosing a gym closer to work, because those who choose a gym closer to home and believe that now after work they will come home, take a bag and go to the gym, are deceiving themselves. This does not work! Everyone comes home, takes off their shoes, and surrenders to the couch. Or eyes stumble upon a dusty shelf, and cleaning begins.
This is a psychological moment. If you know that you need to go to the gym and plow, then there will be a thousand and one things at home that need to be urgently done so as not to “die in the gym”. Therefore, we take a bag with us. And after work, we go straight to the gym. This is a psychological trick that helps.
“We make abs cubes, not in the hall, but in the kitchen”
In the article How to Get in Shape, the main difference is in the use of carbohydrates. They are simple and complex. Simple ones are sweets, flour, potatoes, and pasta. This is what quickly raises our blood sugar. Delicious. Complex carbohydrates are cereals with a low glycemic index (barley, buckwheat), whole grain bread, fruits, and vegetables. An overweight person, over a hundred kilograms, must eliminate simple carbohydrates and limit the number of complex ones.
Even such seemingly healthy ones as unsweetened fruits (apples, pears) or unprocessed cereals. All carbohydrates are sugar. And sugar is energy. The less a person receives from food, the faster the process of splitting fat - an energy reserve - will go. But a reasonable middle ground is important here. Cutting out carbs completely is dangerous. It is better to give preference to vegetables: mostly non-starchy and, ideally, fresh.
The difference in the nutrition of men and women is also evident, or rather, on the scales. The stronger sex can afford more food liberties. And it's just a matter of physiology - metabolism.
- The number of calories that men spend even at rest is higher than that of women. Why? Because they have more muscle mass. The more muscle mass is about fat, the faster the metabolism. If at night a husband and wife of about the same size eat a piece of cake each, the woman will have a plus on the scales in the morning, and the man may even “lose weight” a little.
And again this inequality
Women, who are much more concerned about their figure than men, often manage to lose weight more slowly. This is affected by both the hormonal background and the typical female eccentricity. The main thing, says Maria Tikhonova, is if you already went to the gym, you need to put your nutrition system in order.
- 80% of the result is what we eat. We pump up the press cubes, not in the hall, but in the kitchen. This is what we do on our plate, in our pan. Nutrition is the foundation. You can play sports a lot and still not normalize your nutrition, this will lead to the fact that after the training is over (along with a subscription or vacation), you will simply lose your result. You will simply put the weight back on.
It is important to monitor nutrition during the period of physical activity, and training says a nutrition specialist.
- Nutrition greatly affects whether we lose weight or just gain muscle mass under the fat. In the case of the latter, both weight and volume will increase. If the task is to reduce the volume, then we need a diet with a calorie deficit. Here everything is individual.
The most personal diary
How to Get in Shape, to get in shape, nutritionists make a food diary that takes into account your age, weight, gender, and the result you want to achieve. There are a lot of formulas by which you can calculate your daily calorie intake, but counting calories is already the last century, says Maria Tikhonova.
I don't work with people if they don't write down what they eat. The feeling that I don’t eat anything during the day, but for some reason, I’m getting better, is false. This doesn't happen. When a person begins to fix, he sees how much he eats. And it's not even about the calories. You can stop counting calories and count the nutritional value of those calories.
More on How to Get in Shape, in principle, you can lose weight on fast food. The only thing that matters is how you will lose weight, and how it will look in the mirror. And it will be flabby skin, cellulite, and stale complexion. You can forget about an elastic button on a fast-food diet. Therefore, I always say that it is not the weight that matters, but the components of the weight. You need to look at how much fat is in the body, and how much muscle mass is. But to lose weight in any case, you need to avoid a lot of soda, sweet juices, coffee, go to bed on time, Drink more water, and don't skip meals. And no feasts before bed.
Even an elementary food diary for many is an impossible task. No one walks with scales in a cafe, weighing portions, and the menu does not always indicate the calorie content of ready meals. Few people are ready to give up pizza, knowing how many calories it contains.
It’s much easier to “start from Monday” or return to the idea that BBWs are cute and in general a person should be loved for the soul. But are you ready to love another not for appearance? More precisely, completely discard this component? If not, let's start with ourselves. Spring is the season of love. First of all, to yourself and your body.
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