Six-pack workout
How to Get Six Pack: Everything about the coveted washboard abs
Do you want to have a six-pack? Then just go to the supermarket and buy one! Höhö ... joking aside - unfortunately, it's not that easy. Those vaunted washboard abs are a lot harder to come by than a pint. But with the right strategy, you can also make the middle of your body an eye-catcher. Here's how to do it:
What is a six-pack?
Of course, everyone knows what a six-pack is: Six bundles of muscle that appear on the front of well-trained people. But before we get into the crunchy way to get six-pack abs, it's worth dwelling a bit on the anatomy of the abdominal muscles. Because this is so much more than just a six-pack!
The rectus abdominis
Several tendon strips divide the straight abdominal muscle into individual packages: Vertically, the so-called "Linea Alba" ("white line") divides it more or less exactly in the middle. Horizontally it is divided by 3 to 4 "intermediate tendons" ("Intersections tendineae"). As a rule, when the body fat percentage is low, the linea alba from the navel upwards and two of these intermediate tendons are visible. This creates the impression of six individual muscles - the six-pack.
But people's genetics are different, so not everyone who is in good physical condition will automatically get a six-pack: Some people's washboard abs only consist of a four-pack. Famous and illustrative examples are former bodybuilding champions Frank Zane and Ronnie Coleman - the latter also has an unusually wide linea alba (called "diastasis recti").
For other people, the Linea Alba also remains under the navel: As a result, they can look forward to an eight-pack if they have the right shape - like the model next to the headline. And in very, very rare cases, a fourth intermediate tendon is also present in addition to the continuously clearly pronounced Linea Alba. The result: a tenpack!
But to be clear, the constitution of the rectus abdominis is genetically determined in terms of the number and location of tendons and muscle bellies and cannot be influenced by training or diet. Incidentally, the individual packages of the "washboard" can also be arranged in a staggered manner.
However, we will still only talk about the "six-pack", simply because this term stands for visible and strong abdominal muscles - regardless of whether they are a four-pack or an eight-pack on closer inspection.
Now let's look at how to get washboard abs.
How can I get a six-pack?
You could put it bluntly: you get a six-pack through strength training, while you get washboard abs through cardio training. Because for a veritable washboard, two things come together :
- A straight abdominal musculature with large muscle bellies and correspondingly deep grooves formed by the tendons in between.
- So little abdominal fat that this structure of muscles and tendons is visible under the skin.
But it's not that simple after all. If you want to answer the question of how to get a six-pack in more detail, you first have to ask about the initial situation of the person who wants a six-pack. Only then can you say what kind of training is necessary and whether you also have to lose weight.
Before we look at the possible starting scenarios, however, two important preliminary remarks:
There is no "6 pack" formula
The question of the body fat percentage (BFA) at which the abdominal muscles become visible cannot be answered with a generally valid value. Because individual genetics determine the distribution of fat cells in the body.
The result is: In people with many fat cells in the abdominal area, the washboard abs will only show up with a comparatively low KFA because the KFA refers to the whole body and not just to the abdominal area.
So it happens that one can not say exactly from which KFA a "6 pack" becomes visible. One can only give a range that applies to most people:
- Men: 10-15% BFA
- Women: 12-20% KFA
By the way: Even if it is often desired and gladly promised - belly fat cannot be reduced in isolation. When there is a calorie deficit, the body burns more fat cells for energy. He decides for himself which cells he chooses for this, in other words, here it is again the turn of genetics.
Healthy and slim even without a washboard
If you look at tables with average body fat percentages, you will notice that values considered healthy or optimal are sometimes significantly higher than the values at which you can expect a well-developed six-pack. For example, for the 20-30 age group, you come across figures that are roughly in this range:
- Men: 12-20% BFA
- Women: 20-30% KFA
Of course, that doesn't mean that a lower KFA and the corresponding six-pack are automatically unhealthy. But these values should sharpen your perception and encourage you to set realistic goals. Because especially when it comes to body images, perception quickly becomes distorted.
So you can admire well-developed six-packs, especially in fitness models and bodybuilders as well as in professional athletes and actors. The corresponding KFA is then somewhere between 12 and 5 (!) %.
However, you should not take these groups as a role model, because they have completely different possibilities than you to get into this form:
- Professional training (under supervision)
- Professional nutrition planning
- Extreme diets before filming/shooting/competition
- Photoshoots that ensure the best possible effect
- Digital post-processing of images
Also, these guys aren't in the top six-pack shape all the time either. Because it's damn hard to lower your KFA so far that the washboard breaks through completely. And even harder to keep him there. And it's not necessarily healthy either. This becomes clear when you consider that a KFA of around 5% is vital for men (it is around 12% for women).
With KFA of under 8% for a man or under 15% for a woman, which ensures extremely well-developed six-packs, the body is already in a deficiency or emergency. If he stays in this position for a long time, it can harm the entire organism. Problems such as lack of energy or loss of libido appear.
So you should make sure that your six-pack diet never becomes too extreme. Pay attention to your body's feelings and approach a form that you are visually satisfied with, but that does not drain you physically or mentally.
Your way to a six-pack
Too high KFA and untrained
If you're generally untrained and have a BFA that wouldn't show six-pack abs, two things are needed to get six-pack abs: Muscle building workouts to grow your abs. And cardio training along with a calorie deficit to reduce body fat percentage. The problem with this is that it is difficult to do both at the same time in terms of metabolism or nutrition. So you have to lose weight first and then pack on muscle mass - or vice versa
Too high KFA, but trained
The level of the KFA is not related to the existing muscle mass. On the contrary: Good eaters have a great advantage in building muscle if they do the right training (it's not without reason that they say: "Eat so that you get big and strong!"). And in some sports or weight classes, a few extra pounds don't matter (shot put, weightlifting, football, or sumo wrestling). So if you're generally strong and athletic, you can be confident that you've got the muscles for a six-pack; all you have to do is bring them to the surface. You can do this with increased cardio training - for example, HIIT training - and a protein diet.
Correct KFA, but untrained
If the KFA is correct and the fat is not disproportionately on the stomach, but there is still no sign of a six-pack, there is not enough muscle mass. You are probably generally untrained because the abdominal muscles are required in practically every sport. It sounds sobering at first, but in fact, this is the best starting point for quick six-pack success: simply do abdominal muscle training (see below) for three to six months. In doing so, you will benefit from the beginner bonus benefit and build enough muscle for a visible washboard.
You should avoid the classic muscle-building diet, which prescribes a calorie surplus of 300-500 calories, after all, you want to keep your KFA as low as possible. Instead, eat as many calories per day as you use up (or at most 200 more) and pay attention to the correct distribution of protein, carbohydrates, and fat.
Your six-pack workout
As explained above, the six-pack is formed by a well-trained rectus abdominis. Among other things, this has the following tasks :
- curling of the torso
- Raising the trunk from the supine position
- raising the pelvis
It now makes sense to simply pick out the exercises that require the straight abdominal muscle, and that's it. In principle, this is not a bad idea, because intensive training of this muscle is necessary to form the washboard abs.
But there's something to think about: The rectus abdominis, along with the obliques, primarily provide trunk movement. But a strong torso not only has to be able to move, but it also has to be stable. And stability is mainly provided by deep abdominal and back muscles.
The problem now is that these deep-seated "core muscles" primarily respond to isometric training, in which the muscles do not shorten and stretch, but only exert sustained force for a relatively long time (training goal: muscular endurance). However, rectus abdominal growth, like the growth of any muscle, is better stimulated by dynamic hypertrophy training.
That means: There is a certain conflict here between the training goal of optics or maximum strength and the training goal of health or strength endurance. You defuse it by combining isometric and dynamic abdominal exercises or by performing exercises that use both isometric and dynamic stimuli.
The best six pack exercises
3 sets of 8-15 reps, resting 60-180 seconds between sets
Side planks
3 sets per side, hold time 10 seconds up, rest 60-180 seconds between sets
Standard planks
3 sets, hold time 10 seconds up, rest 60-180 seconds between sets
The "Swimmer" exercise doesn't work the abs, it works the muscles in the buttocks and lowers the back. The reason for this is that you should never strengthen a single part of the muscle – like the abdominal muscles in this case – as this would lead to muscular imbalances. Problems such as tension or bad posture will follow sooner or later. To prevent this, you should always train the respective opponents, in this case, the muscles on the lower back.
3 sets of 8-15 reps per side, resting 60-180 seconds between sets
Lie down on your stomach, arms outstretched in front of you. Your legs and feet are also stretched, and your head is slightly elevated. Now raise your right arm and left leg simultaneously as high as possible in a controlled manner and hold this position for 1 to 3 seconds. Lower your arm and leg back down and switch sides.
Try to do this six-pack workout 3 times a week, with a break of at least 48 hours between two sessions. So for example:
- Monday: training
- Tuesday: break
- Wednesday: training
- Thursday: break
- Friday: training
- Saturday: break
- Sunday: break
The Advanced Six Pack Training Plan
Every training plan must sooner or later be adjusted to meet the increased level of performance. It's no different with our six-pack training plan. We propose to intensify it as follows:
- If you can do more than 15 reps on each set of crunches, switch to the heavier crunch variation. As soon as this becomes too easy, do 1, 2, 3 sets of lying leg raises before the crunches, also with 8 to 15 repetitions and a 60-180 second break between the sets.
- If you can do more than 15 reps on each set of the swimmer, add another set, and once you get past 15 reps on that one, do another. If that gets too easy, do Superman instead! To do this, lift both arms and both legs off the floor at the same time. You can take over the number of sets and repetitions as well as the breaks and the increase from the swimmer.
- If you can easily hold for several minutes with the isometric exercises, switch to more demanding variants here as well. You can find them under the instructions.
The six-pack for women and men
So women have genes and hormones that make it easier for them to put on fat - especially on their stomachs and hips - and make it harder to get rid of this fat than men. Researchers have even suspected a specific gene of controlling this process for some time. It produces an enzyme called aldehyde dehydrogenase-1. In animal experiments, its suppression ensured that the female animals remained slim despite a high-fat diet. The male animals that received the same diet, on the other hand, remained about the same lean with or without the enzyme.
In overweight women, on the other hand, an increased level of this enzyme was detected, which suggests that the results from animal experiments can be extrapolated to humans. In addition, the sex hormone estrogen also has an effect on fat storage in women: if the estrogen level drops, which is the case above all after menopause, fat storage increases - again primarily on the stomach. Six pack and woman - so this is not an easy pairing, so women have to work even harder than men to uncover the washboard. So it's not surprising that women with six-packs are rarely seen.
But is a six-pack attractive for women at all? If a man sports a six-pack, it is generally considered very sexy. With women things are a little different. Of course, there are also fans of the female six-pack. But if you ask around in forums or among your circle of acquaintances, you will often come across the opinion that a six-pack that is too pronounced does not look good on a woman because "washboard ab is something male".
Interestingly, when you search for "six-pack woman" on Google, the alternative " light six pack woman " is immediately suggested. And not without reason: A strong six-pack in women may not correspond to mainstream taste, but the washboard stomach in the beginning, in which the Linea Alba, in particular, is visible, is well received - so well that it was a while ago real "Ab Crack" hype among celebrities and internet personalities.
In the end, you have to decide for yourself what goal you want to set and then work with discipline to achieve it. But don't forget to consider your requirements. This is the only way you will be satisfied with your body - with or without a washboard.
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