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10 Tips for Good Health

10 tips on how to lead a healthy lifestyle without harm to health. Healthy lifestyle tips from a surgeon and bodybuilding champion.

10 tips for good health

10 Tips for Good Health: The article's title should not surprise you. After all, leading a healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle) might harm the body significantly. The repercussions of such a "healthy" lifestyle include the exacerbation of chronic diseases or the emergence of acute diseases, injuries, and nervous breakdowns. And the reason for this is the mistakes of healthy lifestyle adherents. How to lead a healthy lifestyle so that it brings only benefits? What healthy lifestyle tips are relevant today? Find out in today's article.

10 tips for good health

Mistakes in maintaining a healthy lifestyle

They not only interfere with strengthening the body, acquiring the desired figure, and maintaining it but also cause numerous health problems. What are these mistakes? Actually:

  • improper nutrition. One of the most important reasons that prevent you from achieving the desired figure. Also, malnutrition causes an exacerbation of chronic diseases (after 35 years, many already have them). Especially the digestive system;
  • chronic stress. Leads to hormonal disorders, neurosis, weight gain, provokes the development of acute, exacerbation of chronic diseases, etc.;
  • improper use of sports supplements. Not only prevents you from gaining a dream figure but can also cause serious pathologies;
  • bad ecology. Diseases of the respiratory organs, digestive tract, skin, and endocrine system - this is not a complete list of the consequences of living in ecologically unfavorable regions;
  • constant temptations to "go off the right path." Once you eat a cake or a cake before going to bed, you can drink wine. But will there be enough willpower so that “once” does not grow into “permanently”;
  • self-flagellation. Worst of mistakes. You'll be very lucky if you just don't achieve the look you want. But it is precisely because of self-flagellation that one can get a dangerous injury or illness;
  • pursuit of results. Injuries, diseases of the digestive tract, endocrine system - these are the consequences. And this is only in the short term;
  • fitness marathons. A gross and very dangerous mistake. You will be disappointed in the fitness marathon or your talents at best, and you will contract a sickness at worst.
  • uncontrolled intake of dietary supplements. The consequences can be even worse than with the wrong intake of sports supplements (although they also apply to dietary supplements);
  • self-selected diet and training. In terms of negative health effects, they are comparable to fitness marathons. But only you will be to blame for everything. And there it’s not far from self-flagellation;
  • ignoring the needs of the body. Direct path to injury and disease;
  • following other people's advice. The consequences are the same as from fitness marathons and self-selected diets, and training systems.

Sooner or later, although 96% sooner, everyone makes at least one of these mistakes. And it's natural. After all, not all are doctors and professional athletes, or coaches. Although even having the appropriate education does not guarantee 100% protection against errors. After all, only those who do nothing, do not strive anywhere, do not allow them. The main thing is to realize your mistakes in time and eliminate them. Otherwise, such a “healthy” lifestyle will be very expensive.

10 tips for good health

What should be a healthy lifestyle (10 Tips for Good Health)

More on 10 Tips for Good Health, in order not only to maintain, but also to increase health, to gain the desired figure, and not lose it, you need to adhere to a truly healthy lifestyle. Otherwise, all your goals will remain on paper or in your head.

Below we will give some tips for a healthy lifestyle - a "cure" for the mistakes observed while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Regular use of this “remedy” will allow you to get on the path of a truly healthy lifestyle in the shortest possible time and not leave it.

10 tips for good health

1: Proper nutrition

The first step is to determine the energy needs of the body. You can do this with a calorie calculator. Fortunately, finding it online or downloading it to your phone is very simple.

If you want to maintain health, and resist disease, but not change your figure, you just need to stick to the received calorie intake. If your goal is to lose weight, your daily calorie intake should be gradually reduced by 20-25%. It is best to do this within 2 weeks.

Important! Calories are calculated for the average person with normal weight. If your weight exceeds the recommended weight in your age group, you need to follow a diet for weight loss.

It is worth remembering the physiological needs of the body for proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

According to the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor, men need 65-117 g of protein per day, and women - 58-87 g. The share of animal proteins in the daily diet should be 50% of the total.

In the article 10 Tips for Good Health, Rospotrebnadzor recommends such a proportion of fats in the daily diet of 70-154 g for men and 60-102 g for women. The share of fats should fall no more than 30% of the total amount of nutrients in the daily diet. Otherwise, you will gain excess weight. The proportion of saturated fats (animal origin - mutton, pork beef, etc.) should be less than 10%. The content of trans fats (obtained from liquid vegetable oils by attaching hydrogen to the structure) in the diet should be minimized - no more than 1% of the total energy intake. They are rich in industrial confectionery, ice cream, and fried foods. WHO advises replacing saturated and trans fats with unsaturated ones. They are found in large quantities in plant foods and seafood.

Attention! Unsaturated fats are divided into monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. The physiological need for the first is 10% of the daily calorie content. Monounsaturated fats are rich in seafood, olive, and sesame oils. The rest of the daily calorie content falls on polyunsaturated fats. They are found in sunflower and corn, hemp, flaxseed oils, walnuts, and fatty sea fish (recommendations from Rospotrebnazor).

In the article 10 Tips for Good Health, the physiological need for carbohydrates for an adult is 50-60% of the daily energy requirement. Simple and complex carbohydrates are the two types of carbohydrates. Mono- and oligosaccharides make up the simple ones, while polysaccharides and dietary fiber make up the complicated ones. Complex carbs should account for roughly 90% of calories.

Salt has a special place in the diet. According to WHO recommendations, daily salt intake should not exceed 5 g. This is the amount that is safe for the cardiovascular system. Those who consume more dietary salt have a higher risk of developing hypertension, heart disease, and stroke.

The entire daily need for calories and nutrients should be divided between 5-6 meals. They need to be distributed so that there is an equal break between them. No later than 2 hours before bedtime should the last meal be consumed.

 Food must be diverse. The same thing happens every day - physical torment. Even more so in terms of psychology. Yes, food can include all of the essential nutrients and be incredibly nutritious, but even the most exquisite delicacies can become monotonous. And the digestive system will suffer first.

Important! Keep track of your protein intake. More than 1.5 times the daily protein intake is harmful to the kidneys.

At first glance, following the recommendations for a healthy diet is difficult. You just need to try and hold out for more than 3 weeks. Over time, this diet will become habitual. The body will quickly thank you with good health, a surge of strength, and energy. 

2: Fight stress (10 Tips for Good Health)

Nervous tension and lack of sleep are extremely harmful to health. They not only adversely affect the psyche but also destroy the entire body.

Dealing with stress is difficult, but possible. And productive. The simplest and, at the same time, effective ways are:

  • rest. No matter how elementary it sounds, rest is the best way to deal with nervous tension. However, most simply do not know how to relax. To resist stress, you need to relax actively - a walk in a quiet place, a picnic in nature or in the country (you can even drink a couple of glasses of wine), or an active game with children (football, tennis, etc.), hiking in the mountains. Even skydiving. All this is active recreation. It allows you to "reboot" the brain, get rid of the severity of experiences, worries, and work;
  • hobby. Works similarly to rest. At the same time, it also increases self-esteem, and position in society;
  • aromatherapy;
  • meditation. Allows you to forget about the "noise" of the outside world and devote time only to yourself, to the knowledge of the inner world;
  • listening to classical music;
  • trip to the spa. Massage, water, and/or bath treatments, a calm environment allow the brain to "switch off" and the body to relax.

Gifts for yourself help fight stress. This will allow you to get the necessary dose of "hormones of joy", and relieve nervous tension. Such gifts can be a welcome purchase, a delicious dinner, going to the theater or cinema, a date, etc.

You also need to learn how to say “no” to people. It is impossible to be good for everyone. And you don't even have to strive for it. Otherwise, they will just use you. Not all, of course, but many. And doing work for others or being a lifesaver is not a winning position at all.

And finally, love yourself. As soon as you realize that you are a unique person, that your time and efforts are the most valuable resource, you realize your value. And if you also understand that ideas do not exist, and you should not blindly look up to someone, you will see the true state of things in the world. If you can’t do it yourself, don’t be afraid to seek help from a psychologist. After all, that's why he is a "specialist in the soul" to help people.

3: Use Sports Supplements Correctly

Sports nutrition allows you to achieve your goals faster. But only if it is taken correctly. Yes, it is difficult to understand all sports supplements. Especially for a newbie. However, it is enough just to slightly open the “veil” and everything becomes clear.

It is worth remembering that the main task of sports supplements is to help the body get the necessary nutrients, energy, and biochemical compounds that are normally found in food. However, the problem is that it is physically difficult to get the required amount of calories, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates from food. This is where sports supplements come in. They allow you to "get" what you can not get from food.

Attention! Sports supplements are not a substitute for good nutrition. Therefore, the main attention should be paid to the diet. Sports nutrition can only compensate for 1-2 meals.

All manufacturers of sports supplements give instructions for their use (usually indicated on the packaging, available on the official website of the manufacturer). It is designed for a wide range of consumers, so it is not always ideal for a particular person. But its observance allows you to get the best result, and not waste money and time.

The best option is to consult a dietitian, or gastroenterologist before taking sports supplements. If it is not possible, then seek help from a fitness trainer (you can coach in strength sports).

The use of sports supplements on the advice of friends, neighbors, and other "competent" persons is strongly discouraged. As well as the user based on one's desire. In this case, the best thing that will happen is that you will not achieve your desired goals. The worst option is to get sick.

4: Minimize your environmental impact

Most of us will not be able to influence the ecological situation. But there are 2 options to reduce its effect on the body:

  1. Move to live in another region. Of course, the method is not for everyone. However, with the widespread introduction of telecommuting, it is becoming much easier to move, or at least stay outside the city more often.
  2. Help the body resist negative environmental influences. To do this, you should eat right, completely abandon bad habits, resist stress, and get enough sleep. It is worth taking vitamins, and adaptogenic drugs, but only after consulting a doctor.

5: Fight against temptations (10 Tips for Good Health)

The result of a healthy lifestyle is 90% dependent on willpower. After all, sticking to the right diet, daily routine and training are difficult. Many are ready to "go off the trail." Eating sweets or drinking hard, skipping a workout - all these are temptations. They are especially strong when they come from a close or respected person.

But why do you follow a healthy lifestyle? To satisfy a momentary desire or to preserve health, attract the opposite sex, and enjoy playing with children? Should I give it up for alcohol or hundreds of extra calories, a TV series, a computer game?

If you can resist temptations and stick to this healthy lifestyle advice, you will get a lot more short-term pleasure. And also - self-confidence and a reason to be proud of yourself.

10 tips for good health

6: No self-flagellation

This feeling and a healthy lifestyle are not compatible. Why is that? As mentioned in a previous article. Diseases and mental disorders, excess weight, and premature aging - are not all the consequences of "self-digging". To prevent this feeling, you need to:

  • find virtues in yourself (and everyone has them) and “bring them out of the shadows”;
  • recognize mistakes and work on them, and not hang your head under their weight;
  • avoid situations for which the conscience will then torment;
  • create a plan to achieve the desired goal and stick to it;
  • resist temptations to break the regimen, diet, etc.;
  • do not create models for blind imitation.

If you can't cope on your own, see a psychologist. It is normal to ask for help from those who are competent in what you do not know or do not know-how.

10 tips for good health

The result will be, but gradually

If something good comes right away, it's not sports performance, weight loss, or recovery. Therefore, starving yourself or training to exhaustion, to the detriment of sleep and rest, is not even stupid, but dangerous. Thus, you will quickly exhaust the body's compensatory reserves. And the next stage will be injury or illness.

More on 10 Tips for Good Health, for a healthy lifestyle to be truly healthy, you need to draw up a plan for nutrition, training, and rest in advance, taking into account the needs of the body, and physical and mental stress. And then it is necessary to strictly observe it. Yes, it is possible to deviate from the plan in unforeseen situations. But not in the direction of excessive physical exertion, starvation, or lack of sleep. It is better to give yourself a day off from training and sleep off, eat what you have wanted for so long. And then go back to your plan.

10 tips for good health

Fitness marathons are populism, nothing more

No matter how promising the result is, no matter how the author convinces of the coolness of his system, one should be skeptical about fitness marathons. Or better yet, not serious at all.

Why? It's about the individuality of each person, his body. For some, metabolic processes are naturally slower (with age, they slow down for everyone), for someone faster, one person has hidden or overt diseases, the other does not. For someone, 6 hours of sleep is enough to feel alert, and for someone - 9. A person may even be allergic to certain foods. Everything is very individual. And these are not all the factors that need to be considered when developing a weight loss program. Naturally, the author of a fitness marathon cannot predict everything. So it is impossible to develop a system that takes into account the situation of a particular person.

Therefore, if you want to get a dream figure and not harm your health, only individual programs are highly recommended.

Taking dietary supplements only after consulting a doctor

And although dietary supplements are not full-fledged medicines, they can affect the body. Especially vitamins and minerals. Too much of them is more dangerous than too little.

You don't want to harm yourself, do you? Therefore, take dietary supplements only as recommended by your doctor.

10 tips for good health

Forget self-designed diets and workouts

These issues should be dealt with by professionals. After all, if the car breaks down, you deliver it to the service station, if the pipe breaks, call the plumber. So why, then, do people allow themselves, without having a specialized education, to engage in health? But in such situations, the price of a mistake can even be life.

Therefore, if you want to preserve and increase your health, and acquire the desired figure, contact those who understand the issue.

Also Check: Diet Related Diseases

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