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Diet for Muscle Gain

13 Diet for Muscle Gain

Diet for Muscle Gain: To get a toned and muscular physique it is necessary to take care of the diet and training.

Diet for Muscle Gain

Did you know that there are foods that, accompanied by proper and rigorous physical training, help to increase muscle mass

Nutrition is a very important element to achieve this goal and the diet of those who aim to increase the volume of the muscles must not be too restrictive or too abundant. In any case, excesses are always deleterious.

When setting the goal of gaining muscle mass, it is, therefore, essential to take into account other factors in addition to training.

In particular, we must not forget that an adequate supply of nutrients through nutrition helps to recover energy and build muscle tissue. 

Therefore, a varied and balanced diet is what is needed to provide the muscles with all the energy they need to develop. For this reason, it must be rich in protein, but with the right amount of carbohydrates and fats.

So let's discover 13 foods that help increase muscle mass, provide nourishment to the muscles and keep fat mass under control.

1- White meat

White meats like chicken and turkey are recognized for their high protein content. They contain noble proteins that are important for cell regeneration and hormone synthesis.

White meat is also high in amino acids, polyunsaturated acids, and iron, all of which are important for muscle metabolism.

It, on the other hand, has low cholesterol and fat content. The main thing is to always choose the leanest cut (especially when considering pork).

2- Whole eggs

Sportspeople often tend to consume only egg white because it is rich in protein and cholesterol-free. Provided you do not consume excessive daily quantities, even the yolk plays an important role in the well-being of the muscles.

The fats contained in the yolk are unsaturated and therefore not harmful to cholesterol. It is also rich in mineral salts such as iron, calcium, and phosphorus and is one of the few foods that contain vitamin D.

3- Soy

A serving of cooked soybeans contains all the essential amino acids, an important dose of protein, unsaturated fats, and various minerals and vitamins.

Soy is also a source of vitamin K, phosphorus, and iron. The latter is essential for the transport of oxygen in the blood and muscles, therefore a deficiency can compromise this important function.

4- Greek yogurt (Diet for Muscle Gain) 

In addition to containing both whey protein and slow-digesting casein protein, Greek yogurt is a source of vitamin D, which helps the body absorb phosphorus and calcium. The latter is essential for muscle contractions.

5- Salmon

Inevitable in any diet aimed at increasing muscle mass, salmon is a fatty fish rich in Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which improve the health of the joints and the cardiovascular system and regulate metabolism.

6- Dark chocolate

Building the physique of your dreams does not necessarily imply giving up the small pleasures of the table. In this case, dark chocolate is one of the most delicious foods and is also an excellent ally for increasing muscle mass.

Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants that have a protective function on the cells and help maintain muscle tone.

Additionally, monounsaturated fats increase good cholesterol and reduce bad cholesterol.

7- Dried fruit

Nuts and derivatives, such as peanut butter, are a real concentrate of energy and are superfoods, diet for muscle gain

They contain good fats, proteins, and minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc, and are an excellent food to break hunger.

8- Avocado

Contains more potassium than bananas and healthy fats which increase the production of testosterone and growth hormones. Avocado is one of the most unusual foods for stimulating muscle mass and also one of the best.

It also contains antioxidants, 20 different vitamins, and minerals.

9- Olive oil

The properties of olive oil are well known for the well-being of the body, but little is known about its contribution to muscle development.

Yet, olive oil is a condiment that should never be missing in any diet because it is a real natural supplement

Fundamental to ensuring a quick recovery after muscular efforts, it provides a healthy energy supply by introducing vitamins and antioxidants into the body.

10- Broccoli

Few calories and high satiating power. Broccoli contains antioxidants and nutrients that help eliminate estrogen and toxins from the body, which have negative effects on building muscle mass.

11- Oysters

More unusual food on this list! Oysters have an excellent nutritional profile for the purpose. They are low in fat but rich in protein and zinc, useful for raising testosterone levels, and contain up to eight times more iron than chicken. 

12- Venison

Venison is also a great food that helps muscle growth. It raises testosterone levels, which in turn stimulates the growth of muscle cells (in combination with intensive workouts).

It is nearly fat-free, contains amino acids essential for muscle growth, and has high amounts of iron and vitamin B12

13- Legumes

Legumes are among the most complete foods ever and should not be missing in any diet, regardless of the desire to increase muscle mass.

Rich in proteins and carbohydrates, they are a good meat substitute and also provide fiber, vitamins, and minerals to the body.

Of all legumes, lupins are those that contain proteins in greater quantities but also a higher percentage of fats. For this reason, they can make a great pre-workout snack.

Lentils, on the other hand, are legumes with less fat, and a fair amount of protein but also contains more carbohydrates and calories.

Introducing these superfoods into your diet can help to increase muscle mass but we must never forget that a varied diet is the best formula to not miss any of the essential nutrients for the well-being of the whole body.

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